Tag «Murata»

The Parametric Digital Transducer Array Loudspeaker

For my capstone project that I completed at RMIT University I conducted a bunch of research into experimental loudspeaker designs such as Digital and Parametric Loudspeaker Arrays. As a result of this project I conceptalised a design for the Parametric Digital Transducer Array Loudspeaker, built a prototype, and validated the design by performing a variety ...

Controlling Ultrasonic Piezo Transducer Output with PWM Duty Cycle

For my capstone project at university I am working with a bunch of ultrasonic piezo transducers that require a variable sound pressure level (SPL) output. One way of achieving this is by driving the transducer with a pulse width modulated (PWM) signal and varying the duty cycle. My application actually requires a way of changing …