Moving DaleGi in a Slightly New Direction

How time flies!

It has been almost two years now since said “hello world” to the world, and I have had a nice time writing what I have managed to write on the blog! In this time there have almost been 3000 visitors to the site, and that has been just about enough for me to have the motivation to occasionally post about different things. Without a doubt the most popular posts have been about Bosnian Bureaucratic Wonders, however there is also a lot of interest in my post about the PMSA003 pollution sensor, as well as the Parametric Digital Transducer Loudspeaker. It has been a good creative outlet for me as someone who likes to write, but does not get much of a chance to write anything but code these days!

I have noticed lately I have struggled to find the time and motivation to write which might be due to the style I have tried to keep on the blog. This was one of a resource of information, and a portfolio for myself. I have also noticed a lack of motivation to start new personal projects outside of my day job, which really is a shame!

So with this in mind, I have decided to change things up a bit. From here on out I will try to write more in the style of articles belonging to a series. The series might be for a specific project, or maybe a topic in general. I find that this helps to motivate me not only finish projects, but also write more. I am also going to loosen up a bit with the article content and provide content more in the vein of a thought process, discussion, with the occasional bad joke.

So with this being said, here is to moving in slightly different directions!

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