Category «Uncategorized»

Moving DaleGi in a Slightly New Direction

How time flies! It has been almost two years now since said “hello world” to the world, and I have had a nice time writing what I have managed to write on the blog! In this time there have almost been 3000 visitors to the site, and that has been just about enough for …

University Portfolio

Throughout my degree I conducted a variety of assignments as assessments for various courses at RMIT. As a kind of portfolio, I decided to share some of the work here. Do keep in mind a lot of the work shown here was done through group assignments, so not all the work is mine alone. Code …

Attempting to Influence the Bosnian Election

Update 10/06/2020: has been down for sometime due to me not wanting to pay the domain name fees while the elections are not on. But fret not, it will return! I am not going to lie, Bosnian elections make me excited. To all the Bosnians reading this, go ahead and roll your eyes, I …

Hello world!

I have had the idea milling around for a while to write up about some of the various projects I do at university and in my own time, as well find a home for some of the travel related stuff I have written in the past. I suppose the time has come to actually do …